I tried to solve this from zeroth principles, but
after a lot of messing around I reached for something
invented earlier.
There's probably a cleaner way, but this seems to work.
egen panel = group(year month day)
tsset panel hour
tsspell , cond(F.press < press)
replace _spell = L._spell if L._end
egen max = max(pressure) if _spell, by(panel _spell)
egen min = min(pressure) if _spell, by(panel _spell)
egen range = max(max - min), by(panel)
where you need to install -tsspell- from SSC.
chris wallace
> My colleague has passed to me a query to which I can't find a
> straightforward answer. I am hoping some of the experts in this group
> could help?
> She has hourly barometric pressure data for many days. So the dataset
> contains the variables
> year month day hour pressure
> (with 24 hourly observations per day). During any day the
> pressure may
> rise and fall. She wishes to generate a new variable containing the
> maximum fall (constant within year-month-day groups). That is, for a
> fictitious series of pressure readings
> 90 100 90 80 70 80 65 70 90 80 70
> the maximum fall is 100-70=30. This is not simply the
> maximum - minimum
> (100-65), since the pressure rises for one interval in that period
> (70->80).
> She also makes the points:
> - there may be more than one drop per day... i want the largest one
> - if pressure has not dropped at all through out the day, the value
> returned should be zero or negative
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