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st: using gllamm with individual level probability weight

From   "Kim, Jinseok" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: using gllamm with individual level probability weight
Date   Wed, 3 Mar 2004 00:11:57 -0600

hi, stata users;

I am using gllamm to estimate a multilevel model. My data set was collected
using multilevel sampling with schools as the primary sampling unit. The
data set includes the probability sampling weight matched to each
individual. However, I want to use neighborhood unit, or census tract, as
2nd level and individual as 1st level in my multilevel estimation. Let's

primary sampling unit variable in the original study: psu
probability weight calculated for each individual: pweight
neighborhood unit variable that I want to use as 2nd level unit of analysis:
dependent variable: y (dichotomous)
independent variable: x1 x2

how do I use those variables to correctly estimate the multilevel model
using gllamm?
any ideas or comments would be certainly welcomed. Thanks.


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