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st: re: graph problem

From   Donald Spady <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: graph problem
Date   Tue, 02 Mar 2004 13:46:52 -0700

Philip and Scott
Many thanks for your responses. Philip's idea worked but I could not get Scott's to work. The problem with both of them is that they demand a command line input as opposed to entering them using the menu. That is not a big problem except that I have to remember the command each time I use it, so I have written a little note to myself. I must admit I didn't find the manual too helpful for this so Philip's and Scott's contributions are really appreciated.

At 05:01 PM 3/1/2004, you wrote:

Hello Don

My messages to the Stata List are not being echoed back to my machine so I'm not sure if there is something wrong at the List end or at my end. Anyway, in case it's a list problem, and others haven't already provided a better solution, here is my go at trying to solve your problem:

scatter lexp gnppc, by(region, total style(compact)) subtitle(, pos(11) nobexpand bfcolor(white) nobox)

The trick is in using the -subtitle()- option of the main (-scatter-) command. I am sure other specifications of "text_box_options" than the ones I used (bfcolor and nobox) are possible, but at least you can play with these: see page 500 and 502 which alerts us to the fact that we can use textbox options as suboptions for -title- or -subtitle- and then page 483.


Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Health
Associate Dean (Information Technology)
Faculty of Health Sciences
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Donald Spady

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Nature has no reset button.

Donald Spady

Department of Pediatrics
2C3.92 WMC, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2R7


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