As a variation of Eliot Mason's reply, Stata has several time series operators
explained in the Users Guide at [U] 14.4.3.
One could do the following:
* Assuming that countrycode is a string
. encode country, gen(id)
. tsset id year
panel variable: id, 1 to 2
time variable: year, 1960 to 1970, but with gaps
. gen diffgdp = s5.gdp
(2 missing values generated)
. l , abbr(16)
| countrycode year gdp id diffgdp |
1. | BAN 1960 65 BAN . |
2. | BAN 1965 75 BAN 10 |
3. | BAN 1970 85 BAN 10 |
4. | CAN 1960 25 CAN . |
5. | CAN 1965 35 CAN 10 |
6. | CAN 1970 45 CAN 10 |
Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kakatua Kutta" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 1:14 PM
Subject: st: Newbie question on creating variable
> countrycode year gdp
> BAN 1960 65
> BAN 1965 75
> BAN 1970 85
> CAN 1960 25
> CAN 1965 35
> CAN 1970 45
> Dear Stata users,
> Lets say I have the above data set. I want to create a variable which measures
the difference between the gdp in year 1970 and gdp in 1965 for each country.
That is if "diff" is the new variable it would be diff = gdp(1970)-gdp (1965)
for each country.
> I am a new user and already spent hours on this. I would much appreciate your
> Thanks in advance
> AmBush
> --
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