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st: Graph problem

From   Donald Spady <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Graph problem
Date   Mon, 01 Mar 2004 15:30:17 -0700

Dear Statalisters
I am spending some time trying to learn the graphing capabilities of Stata 8. I have a question that relates to by-styles. ON page 86 of the graphics manual there is a command
. scatter lexp gnppc, by(region, total style(compact))
and the resultant graph which is a composite of 4 graphs each of which is highlighted by a banner (e.g. Eur and C Asia) on a gray background. MY QUESTION is "How can one (a) get rid of the grey background -- I have tried all the commands I could think of-- and (b) how can one manipulate the position of the banner i.e. instead of being centred over the plot, push it to the left. Some of this can be avoided by using style7 which is a fall back to the style used in Stata7, but I think I should be able to do it in Stata8. As well, when i tried Stata7 style I got into problems with tick marks, but that is a separate question.
Any help is appreciated

Donald Spady

Department of Pediatrics
2C3.92 WMC, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2R7


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