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re: st: 3 Level Nested Anova with equal sample sizes?

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   re: st: 3 Level Nested Anova with equal sample sizes?
Date   Sun, 29 Feb 2004 15:39:57 -0600

I'm not sure I quite understand but I have the feeling I disagree with what you are saying. The reason I don't understand is that it sounds like if you buy the machine you get specific software. Therefore you are not able to separate the effects of machine and software. I would think you can not run one company's software on another company's machine. But in your schematic of the design, you have software crossed with machine (all softwares used on all machines), not nested, which suggests you could run company A's software on company B's machine? If one is not able to uncouple software from machine, which seems likely, then really you just have a simple one-way ANOVA for any given measure, where the replicate in a cell is subject? That is, you are comparing four ways of getting you measure, person, machinesoftware1, machinesoftware2, and machinesoftware3. Since you have 30 measures you might consider a oneway MANOVA. Apologies if I have completely lost the thread of what you intended to convey.


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