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Re: st: list long string variables in Stata8.2 SE

From   Arnold Kester <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: list long string variables in Stata8.2 SE
Date   Sat, 28 Feb 2004 21:53:36 +0100

Arnold Kester wrote:
Dear listers,

I have several string variables of up to 244 chars length (stata-se). I often want to list these for a selection of the subjects and print a list of the patient identification nr (patnr) and the string var if that's not empty.

format stringvar %-244s
list patnr stringvar if stringvar~="", noobs notrim

does the trick. The format statement is to get left-aligned output, which already improves it a lot. An annoying point is that all string will be filled with blanks to the length of the longest string, wasting a lot of screen area/paper, and hampering readability.

My log file illustrates:
(this gets messed-up even more in the mail, sorry for that)
> ----
log: /home/arnold/longstringdata.log
log type: text
opened on: 9 Feb 2004, 15:17:53

. insheet using longstringdata, delim(" ") clear
(2 vars, 3 obs)

. format stringvar %-244s

. list, notrim noobs

patnr stringvar
1 This is a long string, that is, it is fairly long, but not extremel
> y so
2 Ths s a shorty
3 This is really really really a very very very very very very long l
> ong
> long long long long long Long LOng LONG string

. log close
log: /home/arnold/longstringdata.log
log type: text
closed on: 9 Feb 2004, 15:18:23
> ----

What I would like is this format for the list:

. list, notrim noobs really_nice_print

> patnr stringvar
1 This is a long string, that is, it is fairly long, but not
extremely so
2 Ths s a shorty
3 This is really really really a very very very very very very
long long long long long long long Long LOng LONG string

Is this at all possible in Stata? Or should try and do it in latex?
Alas, no answers, so I wrote something myself. It's rather crude I'm afraid, but maybe useful for someone else, too. I appended it here.

Arnold Kester

====================== ================

capture program drop listlong

program define listlong
version 8.2

** Arnold Kester, 28 february 2004
** List a long string variable along with an id variable and
** possibly other short string vars and/or numerical variables,
** possibly with labels.

** usage: listlong idvar longstringvar extravar1 extravar2 ...

syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [in] [,Length(integer 60)]

** assume first var is patid, second is string, rest is extra

* display "`varlist'", "`if'"

local patnr=word("`varlist'",1)
local stringvar=word("`varlist'",2)

* extravars can be a list

local nvars=wordcount("`varlist'")

local extravars=word("`varlist'",3)

forvalues i = 4/`nvars' {
local extravars="`extravars'"+" "+word("`varlist'",`i')

* save data


qui {
tempvar omit

gen `omit'=1
replace `omit'=0 `if'
drop if `omit'==1

keep `patnr' `stringvar' `extravars'
replace `stringvar'=trim(`stringvar')
drop if `stringvar'==""

local i=1

tempvar longer lastspace line patstr

gen `longer'=1
gen `lastspace'=`length'+1

su `longer'
local more=r(mean)
while `more'>0 {

* cut the first length, assign remainder to orig var

gen `stringvar'`i'=substr(`stringvar',1,`length')
replace `stringvar'=substr(`stringvar',`length'+1,.)
replace `longer'=(`stringvar'~="")

* move the cut to the last space

replace `lastspace'=`length'+1
replace `lastspace'=`length'+1-index(reverse(`stringvar'`i')," ") if `longer'==1
replace `stringvar'=substr(`stringvar'`i',`lastspace'+1,.)+`stringvar'
* replace `stringvar'=" "+`stringvar' if `stringvar'~=""
replace `stringvar'`i'=substr(`stringvar'`i',1,`lastspace'-1)
su `longer'
local more=r(mean)
local i=`i'+1


drop `stringvar'
reshape long `stringvar', i(`patnr') j(`line')

format `stringvar' %-80s
drop if `stringvar'==""

foreach var in `patnr' `extravars' {
local vartype :type `var'
* disp "`vartype'"
if index("`vartype'","str")>0 {
replace `var'="" if `line'~=1
else {
local label :val label `var'
if "`label'"=="" {
local label="`var'"
label value `var' `label'
* disp "`label'"
label define `label' -1 " ", add
capture replace `var'=-1 if `line' ~= 1

replace `stringvar'=" "+`stringvar' if `line'~=1
list `patnr' `extravars' `stringvar', notrim noobs


================== end ==================

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