From | Kit Baum <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | st: Re: nothing to install |
Date | Thu, 26 Feb 2004 13:36:30 -0500 |
On Feb 26, 2004, at 2:33 AM, Richard wrote:
To "clarify" (ahem...) there should never have been a clarify.pkg on the SSC archive site. There is an entry in the SSC archive for clarify, with a web-page link that leads you to the proper site, but since 'ssc' (or its underlying 'net install') cannot work with 'foreign' web servers, all SSC .pkg files should point to local content. clarify.pkg has been removed, and when I have the time I will try to ensure that no other packages of its sort exist.At 03:35 PM 2/25/2004 +0000, Nick Cox wrote:What Nick describes is what I would have guessed. As a relatively new userThere are a few such entries on SSC, intended to be helpful rather than the reverse. In short, -ssc- works exactly as advertised, but there is no absolute rule that a package need include Stata .ado and/or .hlp files.
of Stata, I wonder if, now that we have the -findit- command, putting up
such information-only packages causes more confusion than they solve. It
seems like it is an extra step that can slow you down until you get to what
you really want.
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