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Re: st: Export to WMF/EMF

From   Gary Longton <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Export to WMF/EMF
Date   Mon, 23 Feb 2004 14:41:39 -0800

Friedrich Huebler wrote:

When a graph contains a large amount of data, Stata has problems
exporting the graph to WMF and EMF format as the following commands
. . . etc.

Can others reproduce this behavior? Is this due to a limitation of
Stata or Windows? I use Stata 8.2 with the latest updates and Windows
XP Professional SP 1.

Yes, the results/symptoms you describe are reproducible on my system with the example you provided. My system is similar to yours, so this may be of limited help to the Stata Technical Support folks.

Win XP Pro version 5.1.2 SP 1
Stata/SE 8.2 for Windows - executable and ado's up-to-date

Additionally, the Stata session from which the example is executed subsequently becomes unusable - with some odd display problems (Stata windows are incompletely displayed, command line characters appear as vertical bars as they are typed in.)

The example does seem a bit extreme - effectively asking Stata to place 47000 marker labels on the plot (though mostly superimposed). The problems don't occur if the -,mlabel(freq)- option is removed from the graph command.

- Gary

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