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Re: st: [Why does Stata drop an additional category?]

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: [Why does Stata drop an additional category?]
Date   Tue, 17 Feb 2004 09:48:48 -0500

At 08:26 AM 2/17/2004 -0500, Marcello Pagano wrote:
I am posting this for Yaojun. I have left off the SPSS output which is a Word file. Anyone want it, please contact Yajun ([email protected]) or me, directly.


Dear all,

I would like to ask you for advice. I am doing a logit on unemployment
and my independent variables are:

religion 1=Protestant; 2=Catholic; 3=None
cath 1=Catholic; 0=Other
educ5 1=Degree; 2=Prof below degree; 3=A Levels; 4=O Levels;
e5c -2=None; -1=O Level; 0=A Levels; 1=Prof below degree;

gen cath=religion==2 if religion<=3
char religion[omit] 1 /* Protestants =base*/
char educ5[omit] 5 /* None/Prim =base*/
Looking at your message again, I think I misdiagnosed the problem, as you are already using the char command (although for religion, SPSS's default would be to use "None" as the reference, and for Cath the default reference would be Catholic). So now I am wondering about this e5c variable; is it basically just a recoded educ5, e.g. ec5 = 3 - educ5? If so, that might account for the seeming problem.

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