It seems to me you don't want to overlay
two time series as such. You just want two
scales, one a multiple of the other. Here's
another way to do that.
Let's read in some time series data
. use, clear
If I pick a time series
. twoway connect mvalue year if company == 1
and I also find out its initial value of 3078.5, I can
then use a utility -mylabels- from SSC which is designed for
these problems:
* you want to show labels on one scale, but
* the graph is working with values on another scale.
In this case, values range from just below to almost
twice the initial value. I decide on a base of 100
and index values 80 100 120 140 160 180, whereas
the graph is working with values which are those
multiplied by 3078.5/100. That is,
label I want scale used by -graph-
80 80 * 3078.5 / 100
100 100 * 3078.5 / 100
I put the desired labelling information in
a local macro:
. mylabels 80(20)180 , myscale(@ * 3078.5 / 100)
-mylabels- echoes the macro, so I can see when
I'm on the right track:
2462.8 "80" 3078.5 "100" 3694.2 "120" 4309.9 "140" 4925.6 "160" 5541.3 "180"
A suitable graph is then something like
. twoway connect mvalue year if company ==1 ,
yaxis(1 2)
yla(3000(500)6000, ang(h) axis(1))
yla(`labels', ang(h) axis(2))
yli(3078.5, axis(2))
ytitle(initial value = 100, axis(2))
If you just want fractions, then the call is
. mylabels 0.8(0.2)1.8 , myscale(@ * 3078.5)
[email protected]
John D. Levendis
> I've got a question regarding how to overlay two time series.
> Let say I've got a Price Series (Pr) and from it, I generate
> a Price Index (PI)
> that just divides Pr by it's base year value:
> . gen PI = Pr/Pr[1]
> Appropriately scaled these two series, when overlaid should
> match up perfectly.
> What I would like to do is graph both these series, and if I
> look at the units
> on the left hand side of the graph, I get the Price values,
> and if I look at
> the units on the right hand side, I get the Index values.
> I thought something like:
> . twoway (connected Pr year) (connected PI year, yaxis(2))
> But they don't line up exactly. How can I force them to?
> This problem holds even in the simpler case where:
> . gen Pr2 = Pr + 100
> . twoway (connected Pr year) (connected Pr2 year, yaxis(2))
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