Ken Higbee <[email protected]>:
>> You are correct that a speed improvement is possible here. It is
>> something I have thought about and will some day implement.
> I have now implemented what I mention above. You will see
> noticably faster execution time for the printing out of the
> repeated measures part of the ANOVA output (also on any -anova-
> replay). You will also be able to obtain the S.S., d.f., and F
> for each term in the model.
Sometimes some day really is the next day.
I'm impressed!
> This improvement will be in the next executable update. I am not
> sure when this next executable will go out (probably not for
> another month or so), but I thought I would let you know that
> statalist input does make a difference on what the developers
> here at StataCorp do.
That's the word from a company with ambitions. Good attitude! A special
thanks to you Ken Higbee for recognizing this as an important issue.
Michael Ingre
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