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Re: st: Collapse

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Collapse
Date   Thu, 12 Feb 2004 11:21:26 +1030


I am not sure you want the -collapse- command at all.

The command:

by Personid Referraldate, sort: keep if _n == 1

will -keep- the first observation of each Personid, and since you have sorted on Referraldate within Personid, that first observation will be the one with the earliest date. _n is Stata's built-in current-observation-counter (I used SPSS a very long, long time ago and I think it had a "seqnum" construct?).

I am assuming that your Referraldate variable is actually in Stata's elapsed date form, so it can be treated as any other continuous numeric variable. If not, check -help date- and especially -help datefcn-. Dates are almost always best stored in Stata's elapsed form.


At 11:18 AM 12/02/2004 +1100, you wrote:

Dear all,

I need help regading the collapse command.

I want to collapse by personid, and keep the values for all variables corresponding with the earliest(minimum) referralid. I want a final file that has the first referral for each person including the date and agency of that referral. The problem I am having is that the collapse is defaulting to give the mean of the date and agency (or the minimum).

For instanace

Personid Referralid Referraldate(d.m.y) Referringagency
25 1 21.12.03 291
25 24 31.01.04 290
25 75 25.02.04 292
78 4 10.11.03 290
78 22 12.12.03 275

I want to collapse by the minimum value of referralid but I dont want the minimum or mean value for referraldate or referringagency. I want the values that correspond to the minimum referralid.

The result I want is:
Personid Referralid Referraldate(d.m.y) Referringagency
25 1 21.12.03 291
78 4 10.11.03 290

This is probably very easy, and i apologise for the trouble, but having worked with SPSS for many years now, I am trying to find my way through STATA logic as best as possible.


Jason Payne

Jason Payne
Violence, Property Crime and Drugs
Australian Institute of Criminology
GPO Box 2944 Canberra ACT 2601

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel +61 2 6260 9283 Fax +61 2 6260 9201

Visit the AIC homepage

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Payne
Sent: Thursday, 12 February 2004 9:56 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: Transformations

Thank you for your help,

Is there a way to list multiple cases that dont fit a standard expression in the replace command. for example:

replace var1=1 if var2==1 or 3

I want cases 1 and 3 to have value 1 for var1, but not case 2 and rather than writing the whole syntax twice, i would like to shorten it:

replace var1=1 if caseid==1
replace var1=1 if caseid==3

Any clues?


Jason Payne
Jason Payne
Violence, Property Crime and Drugs
Australian Institute of Criminology
GPO Box 2944 Canberra ACT 2601

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel +61 2 6260 9283 Fax +61 2 6260 9201

Visit the AIC homepage

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Williams [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2004 12:53 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Transformations

At 11:43 AM 2/11/2004 +1100, Jason Payne wrote:
>Dear STATAlistservers
>I am trying to transform data in variables. What is the equivalent STATA>
syntax for this SPSS command
>if (var1=2) var2=1.

Stata does things kind of backwards from SPSS:

gen var2 = 1 if var1==2

Note the ==

If var2 already exists, instead say

replace var2 = 1 if var1==2

But, what do you want when var1 does not equal 2? Missing? A 0-1
dichotomy? There may be some other ways to approach this, depending on whaty
our ultimate goal is.

>This syntax only works if you want to create a new variable, however in
>some cases I might with to modify an existing variable for one case
>only. This is particularly useful in cleaning string variables where
>there are spelling mistakes. In SPSS I would just type:
>if (caseid=1) stringvar='SPSS'.
>if (caseid=2) stringvar='STATA'.

replace stringvar="SPSS" in 1
replace stringvar="STATA" in 2

I'm assuming these are the first and second cases in your data. If not
necessarily so, and caseid is a variable in your data set, then try

replace stringvar="SPSS" if caseid==1
replace stringvar="STATA" if caseid==2

Or, just go in to the data editor and do it! Lot easier sometimes really.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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