Dear all,
If I have a program with the following signature:
program mobile2_1
version 8.1
args lnf plan_code voice mu sigma
What I want to do is I want to use MLE to find the best "mu" and "sigma"
that will maximize my likelihood. These will be constants. Parameters
"plan_code" and "voice" are to be entered as arguments to the likeihood
estimation, although I do not want to estimate any coeficient about them.
Let's say I have data columns called "plan_code" and "voice" within my
dataset that I want to use in my likelihood calculation. For each
observation I want to do something like:
replace `lnf' = such and such if `voice' > 10 & `plan_code' == 1
replace `lnf' = so and so if `voice' <= 10 & `plan_code' == 0
You get the idea.
Currently, I am bootstraping with:
ml model lf mobile2_1 (plan_code) (voice) () ()
However, it doesn't seem to be working.
It seems that STATA is only expecting equations as arguments to the
ml command. Can someone please advice me on how to make ml use the
columns "plan_code" and "voice" in my likelihood estimation? Please
make a note again that I am only using the "plan_code" and "voice"
columns for aid with the `lnf' calculation, and I do not need to
estimate any coefficients about them. The only things I am trying to
estimate are the "mu" and "sigma", which are constants.
Thank you very much
Atip Asvanund
Doctoral Student, Information Systems
Carnegie Mellon University
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