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Re: st: counting

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: counting
Date   Sat, 7 Feb 2004 22:55:32 +1030

It is hard to answer this question without a much better idea of (i) how your 
data set is constructed and (ii) just what it is that you want.

Chris asks, quite reasonably, whether you just want a visual display, because 
you imply (?) that you do not want to store the results for future use (".. 
without generating a new variable").  But your own solution:

 by state: count if child==1

will do a perfectly good job of simply displaying _a_ result for each state 
(whether it is the result you want depends on your data setup).

Perhaps you do wish to store the results?  If so you have a number of choices: 
a single variable, a series of macros or scalars, or as a vector.

Here is one approach:

gen num_kids = .
levels state, local(slevels)
foreach s of local slevels {
count if state ==`s' & child == 1
replace num_kids = `r(N)' if state ==`s'

... and then you can play around with the variable num_kids.

Note that this depends on (i) state being a numeric variable (if it is a 
string, then either first -encode- it or else enclose the two instances of `s' 
in my code with double quotes: "`s'") and, especially, (ii) on the meaning of 
the child variable in your data. 

Whether the specific code above is correct for your situation is probably less 
relevant than that -help levels- and -help foreach-  are often good places to 
start in problems like these.


Quoting chris wallace <[email protected]>:

> Quoting Amit Khandelwal <[email protected]>:
> > Suppose I have 5 states and I want to count the number of children in each
> > state. How can I do this without generating a new variable. If I do
> > 
> > by state: count if child==1
> > 
> > then r(N) only stores the last state's result.
> If you just want a visual display?
> tab state if child==1
> C.
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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