Dear Statacorp people:
today I had a pleasant surprise, when I updated Stata8: the -ltable-
command now includes the combined option -by() overlay-, after a thread
I participated some time ago. Thank you for the improvement.
May I suggest one more little change? The connecting lines of the
graphs at present _does not_ start at timne zero. I think it should be
more correct (and nicer) to allow the first segment of the connecting
lines to start at xpoint=0 and ypoint=1.
Jose Maria
Jose Maria Pacheco de Souza, Professor Titular
Departamento de Epidemiologia
Faculdade de Saude Publica/Universidade de Sao Paulo
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 cep 01246-904
Sao Paulo Brasil
fones (11)3082-3886 (11)3714-2403 (11)3768-8612
fax (11)3082-2920 (11)3714-2403 [email protected]