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st: RE: Problem in modifying built-in ktau.ado code (for Kendall's tau)

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Problem in modifying built-in ktau.ado code (for Kendall's tau)
Date   Wed, 4 Feb 2004 01:04:39 -0000

I'm not sure how fast -sign()- is, but it's one 
step away from C code and it's not clear to me that 
replacing the function call by a bunch of Stata statements that
all have to be interpreted many times over will be much of a gain. 

Also, and more crucially, the result of -sign()- _could_ be 
different in different observations each time round the loop. 
The result of your scalar can _only_ be constant each time 

In fact, I can't see why 

scalar pairprod = (`x' - `x'[`k'])*(`y' - `y'[`k']) in 1/`kk'

would work at all. 

At a quick glance, which may do your coding an injustice, 
that looks like a bug. 

[email protected] 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Mike Lacy
> Sent: 04 February 2004 00:44
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Problem in modifying built-in ktau.ado code (for 
> Kendall's
> tau)
> Greetings,
> I need to calculate Kendall's tau as efficiently as possible on two 
> continuous variables for each repetition in a large set of bootstrap 
> experiments. Calculating Kendall's tau is slow, being of 
> order (N^2)/2. My 
> estimate is that using the built-in ktau.ado command, which 
> is the fastest 
> command to obtain Kendall's tau in Stata, the bootstrap 
> experiments will 
> take at least 10-15 days of dedicated time on a fast Wintel machine.
> Consequently, I am trying to modify the code of the ktau.ado 
> into my own 
> version.  In the middle of the loop in ktau.ado, I discovered 
> there is a 
> call to the sign() function, which accounts for about 70% of 
> the execution 
> time of ktau.ado.  My idea was to avoid the overhead of a 
> function call by 
> replacing the sign() function with an equivalent set of If 
> statements.  So, 
> I calculate my own "mysign" function value using Ifs and use 
> it in place of 
> sign() in the original code. However, I am not getting the 
> right results, 
> as I explain below after presenting the two relevant code fragments:
> * Built-in ktau.ado code goes like this:
> * View with a about a 10 pt nonproportional font
> * `x' and `y' reference the two variables
> * passed to the ktau command
> gen double `work' = 0
> scalar `k' = 2
> while (`k' <= `N') {
>     local kk = `k' - 1
>     #delimit ;
>     replace `work' = `work'
>        + sign((`x' - `x'[`k'])*(`y' - `y'[`k'])) /* slow */
>        in 1/`kk' ;
>     #delimit cr
>     scalar `k' = `k' + 1
> }
> Below is what I tried to do. And yes, I know that
> if/else would be faster but I was trying to simplify
> my code as much as possible while trying to track down
> my error.
> * My code, with differences  indicated
> gen double `work' = 0
> scalar `k' = 2
> while (`k' <= `N') {
>     local kk = `k' - 1
> * Calc "mysign" as a substitute for the sign() function
> * The rest of the code is as untouched as possible
>    scalar pairprod = (`x' - `x'[`k'])*(`y' - `y'[`k']) in 1/`kk'
>    if (pairprod < 0)  {scalar mysign = -1}
>    if (pairprod > 0)  {scalar mysign =  1}
>    if (pairprod == 0) {scalar mysign = 0}
>    if (pairprod == .) {scalar mysign = .}
> *
>     #delimit ;
>     replace `work' = `work'
>        + mysign
>     /* + sign((`x' - `x'[`k'])*(`y' - `y'[`k']))  Removed */
>     in 1/`kk' ;
>     #delimit cr
>     scalar `k' = `k' + 1
> }
> Problem: I have checked the values of "mysign" vs. sign{) and 
> they are the 
> same for each iteration of the loop. However, at the end of 
> the while loop, 
> the values in the variable `work' are not what they should 
> be, so I presume 
> the problem is with what I have done with the "replace" 
> command. Could 
> someone offer some suggestion?

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