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st: Question about normal curves and histograms

From   "Joseph McCrary" <>
To   "'Statalist'" <>
Subject   st: Question about normal curves and histograms
Date   Sat, 31 Jan 2004 06:49:07 -0500

end-of-course grades. In the elementary grades, a student could receive one
of 4 marks. When I add the normal curve to the plot, it begins with the
midpoint of the first category but ends at the end of the last category. Is
there a way I can either begin the normal curve at the beginning of the
first category or end the normal curve at the midpoint of the last category?
       Here�s the code I�m using to generate the graph (STATA 8.2 SE on
Windows XP):
       histogram elemlartnum if (gr_jun03_sasi=="01" & elemlartnum>=0 &
         discrete frequency normal gap(5)
         blcolor(black) blwidth(vvvthin)
         ylabel(, labels angle(horizontal)) 
         xlabel(0 "Unsatisfactory" 1 "Satisfactory" 2 "Good" 3 "Excellent")
         xtitle(First Graders' End-of-Year Language Arts Course Grades) 
         name(G1lartgrades, replace) scheme(s2manual);
       graph export d:\g1lartgrades.emf;
       Thank you.
       Joseph McCrary
       1101 Ivywood Lane, Apt. 301
       Towson, MD 21286
       (443) 527-6290 (ph)
       (443) 267-0151 (fax)�

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