I recently began using a newly installed copy of Stata for Unix (Ver.
8.1). I tried running a .do file that ran without error on my Windows
version of Stata (Ver. 8.2). The XTABOND command and error are:
xtabond nrtrscre charter chrtageb
target convrt forprft
nschools chgschl
tgrde_06 tgrde_07 tgrde_08 tgrde_09 tgrde_10
if cohort !=0, robust;
too many lags of the dependent variable requested
lags() must be beween 1 and 0
I don't specify any explicit number of lags. Isn't the default a
once-lagged dependent variable on the right hand side? Any ideas what
might be going on?
Tim R. Sass
Professor Voice: (850)644-7087
Department of Economics Fax: (850)644-4535
Florida State University E-mail: [email protected]
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2180 Internet: http://garnet.acns.fsu.edu/~tsass