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Re: st: Converting letters to numbers

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Converting letters to numbers
Date   Wed, 28 Jan 2004 02:23:48 -0000 (GMT)

Phillip Ryan wrote:

> I ran Joseph's code against Clive's data and it appeared to deliver what
> Clive wants (if I understand Clive correctly).
> Clive, did you -list- the data resulting from Joseph's code with the
> -nolabel- option, to show the real, underlying form of the data ?


Yes, that worked:

. list part* in 1/20, nolabel

     | party1   party2   party3   party4 |
  1. |      3        1        2        4 |
  2. |      3        1        2        4 |
  3. |      3        2        1        4 |
  4. |      3        2        1        4 |
  5. |      3        1        2        4 |
  6. |      3        2        1        4 |
  7. |      3        4        1        2 |
  8. |      3        1        4        2 |
  9. |      3        2        1        4 |
 10. |      3        2        1        4 |
 11. |      3        4        1        2 |
 12. |      3        4        1        2 |
 13. |      1        3        4        2 |
 14. |      1        3        2        4 |
 15. |      1        3        2        4 |
 16. |      3        1        2        4 |
 17. |      1        3        4        2 |
 18. |      3        2        1        4 |
 19. |      1        4        3        2 |
 20. |      1        4        3        . |

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