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st: Permanent changes in system directories

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Permanent changes in system directories
Date   Tue, 27 Jan 2004 15:00:08 -0500

This is just a trivial nuisance for me, but if anyone knows how to fix it it would be nice. In Stata, you can give commands like

sysdir set STBPLUS c:\ado\plus\

when you want to override the default system directories. Is there a way to make such changes permanent in Stata 7 and Stata 8, either in Stata or by editing the registry or whatever? (I use Windows XP.)

I often copy my c:\ado directory onto different machines (so I'll have the same downloaded programs wherever I am working) and I sometimes even give copies of it to people who want to get a quick collection of useful programs. Depending on how Stata got installed, the appropriate directory name is sometimes c:\ado\plus, or c:\ado\stbplus, and sometimes it may even be on a totally different drive. Because I had Stata 7 installed before, my system defaults to c:\ado\stbplus and I want it to default to the now more common c:\ado\plus.

I know I could put a command in, but even that is a slight hassle because I have to make sure the is correct for whatever machine I am copying c:\ado to -- I'd like to keep specific file and drive references down to a minimum if I can. Thanks for any advice. RW

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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