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SPAM (07.35): Free Offer - Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling for your business

From   "Core Analytics" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   SPAM (07.35): Free Offer - Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling for your business
Date   Mon, 26 Jan 2004 21:11:01 -0600

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--- Begin Message ---
From   "Core Analytics" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Free Offer - Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling for your business
Date   Mon, 26 Jan 2004 21:11:01 -0600


Dear Database Marketing Professional,


We are an American-Dutch company in the database marketing analytics space. I would like to introduce you to our Special Offer (See below) and provide you a link for our company website. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you see a possible fit for our analytical consulting services. Thank you for your time and consideration.




Aldo Deijkers

Core Analytics, LLC



Email: [email protected]

Phone: 773-575-2648



Free Offer -  Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling for your business


We invite you to consider the current offer by Core Analytics, LLC a Chicago-based database marketing and analytics group.   We are actively soliciting client prospect applications for the following: 


Three companies will receive a free analytical project done by statisticians and industry professionals who have  years of database marketing experience with Fortune 500 companies.

Why we are offering this?  We're a professional start up company looking for client references.  The initial project is delivered at no charge and with no obligation to renew, and if satisfied you agree to serve as a client reference. (We're also confident you'll like our work so much you'll want to make Core Analytics, LLC an integral part of your future database marketing processes, but there is no obligation involved).


Contact [email protected] today for more information or call us at (773) 575-2648.  Our professional services group will select three project applications on February 27th, 2004.  There's a 2-week turn around on the project, data restrictions are no more than a million records, the actual scope of the project (segmentation, profiling, response model and scored list, trends, campaign measurement, etc) is open to discussion.

Thank you, and visit
Core Analytics for more information.  Core Analytics, LLC is a woman-owned business enterprise.  Project applications accepted through Feburary 23rdth, 2004.




Aldo Deijkers

Core Analytics, LLC



Email: [email protected]

Phone: 773-575-2648




Core Analytics


Dear Database Marketing Professionals,


Core Analytics is a Chicago-based data analytics consulting group. We provide data quality and trend analysis to support marketing efforts on the front end, and deliver sophisticated data analysis and modelling on the back end.  Our business intelligence solutions include some of the following:


·          Data Quality and Cleansing

·          Develop Marketing Programs

·          Campaign Tracking and Presentation

·          Customer Profiling and Segmentation

·          Direct Mail Campaigns

·          Decision Tree and Regression Modelling for Retention, Lapse and Cross Sell


Core Analytics would like to have the opportunity to discuss your data analytical needs.


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--- End Message ---

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