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st: Frequencies and proportions side by side in tables

From   n p <>
Subject   st: Frequencies and proportions side by side in tables
Date   Fri, 23 Jan 2004 06:33:20 -0800 (PST)

Hi statalisters,
Is there a way to show tables of frequencies and
proportions (row or column) like in the tabulate
command but with the proportions side by side with the

Something like (row proportions case):

         Education Level
         High      |  Low
Gender   N (%)     |  N(%)
Male     4 (40.0)  |  6  (60.0)
Female   3 (15.0)  |  17 (85.0) 

I tried to implement it using something like

gen cons=1
bysort gender:egen N=sum(cons)
bysort gender education:egen n=sum(cons)
bysort gender education:keep if _n==1
gen perc=n/N*100
reshape ....
list ....

but I had problems dealing with cells with zero
frequencies. I also did a quick search (findit,
archives) without success.
The primary use of such a command would be
copy-pasting in word processors.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Nikos Pantazis
Biostatistician MSc

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