Stata will let you list files using the star wild card but
it won't let you delete or copy using wild cards.
So perhaps you should shell out to a prompt and delete the files:
. ! del *.tmp
There's a program on the SSC archive -tmpdir- that I wrote that finds your
temp directory and returns it in macro variable "r(tmpdir)".
So you could use -tmpdir- and then erase the files like so in the Windows
operating system:
. tmpdir
. // make sure the right files are going to be deleted
. dir `r(tmpdir)'/*.tmp
. ! del `r(tmpdir)'/*.tmp
The temporary files in Unix and Linux do not have tmp file extensions.
These files start with S (for Stata?).
. tmpdir
. // make sure the right files are going to be deleted
. dir `r(tmpdir)'/S*
. ! rm `r(tmpdir)'/S*
Hope this helps.