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st: Re: confidence interval

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: confidence interval
Date   Mon, 19 Jan 2004 18:07:59 +0000

At 18:53 18/01/04 +0100, victor michael zammit wrote:
Dear Statalist,
given the auto.dta ,and
. reg mpg weight price

Source        SS df       MS  Number of obs =      74
    F(  2,    71) =   66.85
Model   1595.93249 2  797.966246  Prob > F =  0.0000
Residual   847.526967 71  11.9369995  R-squared =  0.6531
    Adj R-squared =  0.6434
Total   2443.45946 73  33.4720474  Root MSE =   3.455

mpg       Coef. Std. Err.       t P>t [95% Conf. Interval]

weight   -.0058175 .0006175     -9.421 0.000 -.0070489 -.0045862
price   -.0000935 .0001627     -0.575 0.567 -.000418 .0002309
_cons    39.43966 1.621563     24.322 0.000 36.20635 42.67296

can any one please tell me how I could retrieve the lower bound and the
upper bound for 95% and 99% confidence intervals ?
Yes. You can use the -parmest- package, downloadable from SSC. The -parmest- package creates an output data set with 1 observation per parameter and data on parameter estimates, confidence limits, P-values and other parameter attributes. This data set can be simply listed, saved to a disk file, or written to memory (overwriting any pre-existing data). In Stata, type

ssc desc parmest

to find out more. Additional material on the use of -parmest- can be downloaded from my website (see my signature).


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom

Tel: 020 7848 6648 International +44 20 7848 6648
Fax: 020 7848 6620 International +44 20 7848 6620
or 020 7848 6605 International +44 20 7848 6605
Email: [email protected]

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