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RE: st: capturing input file information

From   "Morten Andersen" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: capturing input file information
Date   Wed, 14 Jan 2004 21:48:10 +0100

>Is there an easy way to capture information of an input file into a local
>macro, so it can be saved as a note with Stata data set? 

>I am looking for information similar to that stored in c(filename) and
>c(filedate) for a Stata dataset in memory,

I have made a general ado-file for this: dirlist.ado. It produces a directory list and puts the result into return macros. Ado-file and hlp-file below. Actually it is part of a collection of ado-files which I hope to submit to the SSC archives.

It has been tested in Mac OS X and Windows XP. There could be some problems with layout of dir output, however. Please report such problems to me.


Morten Andersen

Morten Andersen, MD, PhD               Research Unit of General Practice
Senior Researcher                      University of Southern Denmark
Phone   +45 6550 3791                  Winsloewparken 19
Fax     +45 6591 6089                  DK-5000 Odense C
E-mail  [email protected]        Denmark

Cut out the ado and hlp files below.
Please note that there could be problems with line breaks caused by the e-mail program.

----------------------- dirlist.ado--------------------------------------------

*! 1.0.4 MA 2003-12-04
* saves directory data in r() macros fnames, fdates, ftimes, fsizes, nfiles
* dirfile, dodoc, logdo, project

program define dirlist, rclass

	version 8

	syntax anything
	tempfile dirlist

	if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" {
		local shellcmd = `"dir `anything' > `dirlist'"'
		shell `shellcmd'

	if "`c(os)'" == "MacOSX" | "`c(os)'" == "Unix" {
		local shellcmd = `"ls -lkT `anything' > `dirlist'"'
		shell `shellcmd'

	* read directory data from temporary file
	tempname fh
	file open `fh' using "`dirlist'", text read
	file read `fh' line
	local nfiles = 0
	while r(eof)==0  {
		if `"`line'"' ~= "" & substr(`"`line'"',1,1) ~= " " {

			* read name and data for each file

			if "`c(os)'" == "MacOSX"  | "`c(os)'" == "Unix"{
				local fsize : word 5 of `line'
				local fda   : word 6 of `line'
				local fmo   : word 7 of `line'
				local ftime : word 8 of `line'
				local fyr   : word 9 of `line'
				local fname : word 10 of `line'
				local fdate = "`fmo'"+" "+"`fda'"+" "+"`fyr'"
				local fdate = string(date("`fdate'","mdy"),"%dCY-N-D")

			if "`c(os)'" == "Windows" {
				local fdate : word 1 of `line'
				local ftime : word 2 of `line'
				local fsize : word 3 of `line'
				local fname : word 4 of `line'

			local fnames "`fnames' `fname'"
			local fdates "`fdates' `fdate'"
			local ftimes "`ftimes' `ftime'"
			local fsizes "`fsizes' `fsize'"
			local nfiles = `nfiles' + 1


		file read `fh' line
	file close `fh'
	return local fnames `fnames'
	return local fdates `fdates'
	return local ftimes `ftimes'
	return local fsizes `fsizes'
	return local nfiles `nfiles'

* end

----------------------- dirlist.hlp--------------------------------------------

{* 2003-12-04}{...}
help for {hi:dirlist} {right: (version 1.0.4, 2003-12-04)}

{title:Retrieve directory information}

{p 4 13 2}{cmd:dirlist} [{it:filespec}]


{p 4 4 2}
{cmd:dirlist} is used as the {cmd:dir} command, but retrieves the information
about files in in return macros (see below).

{p 4 4 2}
{it:filespec} may be any valid Windows, Unix, or Macintosh file path or file
specification (see {hi:[U] 14.6 File-naming conventions}) and may include 
"{cmd:*}" to indicate any string of characters.

{p 4 4 2}
Directory data are written to a temporary file using shell commands
(Windows {cmd:dir} and Mac OS X or Unix {cmd:ls}) and subsequently read by
the program. 

{p 4 4 2}
Mac OS X: The {it:filespec} should not be enclosed in quotes, and spaces should be
preceded by an escape character "{cmd:\}".


{p 4 8 2}
{cmd:. dirlist dm50*.do}

{p 4 4 2}
You can then access the returned results:

{p 4 4 2}
{cmd:. return list}

            r(nfiles) : "4"
            r(fsizes) : "814 209 296 493"
            r(ftimes) : "13:27:15 13:29:05 12:22:01 13:41:09"
            r(fdates) : "2003-10-30 2003-10-30 2003-10-30 2003-10-30"
            r(fnames) : ""
{p 4 8 2}
{cmd:. dirlist ~/DM\ data/dm50*.do} {it:(Mac OS X, space in directory name)} 

{title:Possible problems} 

{p 4 4 2}
Quotes around {it:filespec} and spaces in path names on other OSs?{break}
Format of directory lists regarding column arrangement and date format?


{p 4 4 2}
Morten Andersen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark{break} 
        [email protected]

{title:Also see}

{p 4 13 2}
Online:  help for {help dir}, {help shell}, {help return}


------------------ END PROGRAMS --------------------------------------


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