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st: RE: FW: [counting before and after]

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: FW: [counting before and after]
Date   Wed, 14 Jan 2004 17:41:47 -0000

Mark Laflamme

> Variables are named when1 when 2 to when10
> Variable is a string either "BEFORE" or "AFTER" or which neither are
> written(not a missing value)
> A provider has made an order BEFORE or AFTER an encounter
> Providers are categorizd by variable provcode as 1,2,3 or 4
> for particular patients, patient is categorized by string variable
> mrno(8 digits with a dash)
> For example
> MRNO       when1         when2     when3 ........   when10  provcode
> 1112220-1   BEFORE   AFTER                                       2
> 2223334-5    AFTER     AFTER    AFTER                       3
> 3334445-6
> 4
> 4445556-7    BEFORE  BEFORE   AFTER        AFTER   1
> I am trying to ....
> 1) sum the number of BEFORE and AFTER and/or neither for each MRNO
> 2) sum the number of BEFORE and AFTER and/or neither for
> each provcode
> 3) a table for BEFORE and AFTER
> For example....
>                                    AFTER
>                                Yes       NO
> BEFORE       yes    12              34
>                       No    5                 12

To count "BEFORE" and "AFTER" across -when1-when10-, you
probably should use a loop

gen nbefore = 0
gen after = 0
qui foreach v of var when* {
	replace nbefore = nbefore + `v' == "BEFORE"
	replace nafter = nafter + `v' == "AFTER"

It looks as if you have just one observation
for each MRNO, so that looks like the core of 1).

For 2)

egen nbefore2 = sum(nbefore), by(provcode)
egen nafter2 = sum(nafter2), by(provcode)
tabdisp provcode, c(nbefore2 nafter2)

For 3), what kind of table?

[email protected]

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