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st: Re: betacoef

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: betacoef
Date   Tue, 13 Jan 2004 07:15:07 -0500

On Jan 13, 2004, at 2:33 AM, Clive wrote:

I think I encountered a more fundamental problem with -betacoef-: I
couldn't get it to work! My current regressions are weighted (which
- -betacoef- has the ability to handle according to its description), but
when I run a model such as:

- -reg beatles john paul george ringo [pw=epstein]-
- -betacoef-

I get an r(101) error. I've tried running -betacoef- after -reg [aw]- and
without any weights at all. All I get is silence. Adding -betacoef- as an
option to -reg- isn't allowed.

Am I going somewhere wrong or is the package?
Yes and no. I will revise the documentation to make it clear that it will not work with pweights, since summarize john [pw=epstein] is not a valid command. It works with fw (which I had tested), aw, and iw.

The command itself is silent. Since you can always see the beta coefficients by using regress, beta, it does not display them. It does place them in r(beta). So if you do

mat list r(beta)

I wrote betacoef so that those writing programs can make use of the beta coefficients in further computations or displays. For instance, you might want to generate a matrix showing the beta coefficients for various units in a panel:

webuse grunfeld,clear
drop if company>5
mat Betas = J(5,3,.)
local matr
forval i=1/5 {
qui reg invest mvalue kstock if company==`i'
mat Betas[`i',1] = r(beta)
local matr "`matr' Comp`i'"
mat BetaC = Betas[1...,1..2]
mat rownames BetaC = `matr'
mat colnames BetaC = mvalue kstock
mat list BetaC


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