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st: BBEdit/Text Wrangler Coloring II

From   Benjamin Hulley <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: BBEdit/Text Wrangler Coloring II
Date   Mon, 12 Jan 2004 23:30:23 -0800


I have just posted a new version of the BBEdit/TextWrangler syntax coloring module on my website at as well as new versions of the accompanying applescripts. The new version of the plugin has a much more complete keyword list (Thank you Jeff and Bill) as well as some fixes to the way it handles comments. There remain two outstanding issues:
1) line comments beginning with an asterix cannot be indented with tabs (though spaces are fine)
2) there's no provision for nested comments
Neither cause crashes, but they do not color as might be expected.

I've also update the Applescripts, one user reported that one of them did not work, they should both work now. They should be installed in the "Scripts" folder located in ~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler (or BBEdit)/. You can add keyboard commands to them from TextWrangler/BBEdit's "Windows-Palettes-Scripts" option.

Additionally I am using a new distribution format, apparently the unix "tar" command I was using previously strips out Macintosh resource forks and disabled the plugin as it was initially posted. If any of you downloaded the language module and it did not do anything try again and let me know if you have any problems.



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