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st: Unbalanced Panel

From   "Vincenzo Verardi" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Unbalanced Panel
Date   Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:26:22 -0400

Dear all, this is my first message on the statalist, I thus hope to do it right.

I have a problem,

I am working with an unbalanced Panel of about 25 countries and maximum of 7 years (for some countries). As I stated before, the Panel (or better the TSCS) is unbalanced since the time dimension is not the same for all the countries. In addition, I have some time-invariant variables. Given that I work with countries, a random effect is not appropriate and a fixed effect estimator would not allow me work with time invariant variables. I do not want to work with a Hausman Taylor estimator.

I want to do a Pooled Least Squares, but, given that the panel is unbalanced, I fear to give a too big importance to some countries with respect to others. I thought to use regress with a pweight option but I do not see how I could do it (the 25 countries are not randomly chosen). Can anyone help me on thisor can suggest some readings?

Thank you very much for your help,



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