Hudes, Estie <[email protected]> is having trouble with -graph- options
while using -roccomp-:
> Hi,
> I'm having problems controlling the color and width of lines in an
> ROC graph. The code I'm using is below, which results in an ROC graph with
> four lines. Despite my command to use 'vthin' lines and the color black, two
> of the lines (those for 'tsb1z' and 'tb1z_ris8e') are very fat and in color.
> I believe the 'msymbol' command works ok, tho it is hard to see due to the
> width and color of the lines. - Also, there's no way to import this into an
> MSWord document other than to save it as a wmf document, correct? Which
> seems to preclude any editing from within the Word document......
> Here's the code:
> roccomp tbge20ge48 biliris8e tsb1z tb1pct_lt48 tb1z_ris8e if los <48
> & fsttbage <48, graph msymbol (O D T X) clwidth (vthin vthin vthin vthin)
> clcolor (black black black black) norefline legend ( label(1 "Limited
> bilirubin risk index") label (2 "TSB percentile group") label (3 "TSB
> z-score") label (4 "Z-score combined w/risk index"));
I tried to reproduce Estie's results using a modified example from [R] roc;
however, everything work correctly. I used the following do-file.
(Note the spaces are on purpose, to reproduce the reported syntax used.)
***** BEGIN:
webuse ct2
set seed 1234
gen mod4 = 1 + int(6*uniform())
roccomp status mod*, graph ///
msymbol (O D T X Oh) ///
clwidth (vthin vthin vthin vthin) ///
clcolor (black black black black) ///
***** END:
I invite Estie to write directly to tech support ([email protected])
with a short do-file (and small dataset) that reproduces the problem.
[email protected]
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