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Re: st: panel data with binary dependent variable

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: panel data with binary dependent variable
Date   Wed, 7 Jan 2004 15:50:13 -0000 (GMT)


Assuming that your response variable does indeed follow a logisitic
distribution, then -xtlogit, fe- would be the place to start.

As for time dummies, I see no difficulties in using them so long as you
have adequately large numbers of observations in your dataset, which
_might_ be a problem if you have got a lot of missing values in your
response variable column.

Unfortunately, I cannot advise you comprehensively on -clogit-. I'm not
that clever! I would think that using time counters would be satisfactory,
but other (better) statisticians on this list might think otherwise. To
test for firm-specfic effects, could you not run a command such as:

xi: xtlogit depvar x1 x2 i.firm, fe ?

Maybe you could assess them this way.

Hope all this helps.


Grazia Santangelo wrote:

> I have an unbalanced panel of firms and times and three other explanatory
> variables.
> I want to estimate a fixed effect model with fixed effects for: firms and
> time.
> My dependent variable is a binary one (0/1).
> How should I proceed in stata?
> I added (T-1) time dummies and estimate the model with clogit including
> firm as
> the �group� variable. Therefore, what I did is the following:
> clogit y1 x1-xk i.t, group(firm)
> Does anyone know if it is correct to include time dummies when using
> clogit?
> How do I check for a firm specific effect?
> How do I assess the goodness of fit of the model?

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(44)191 222 5969
Politics Building     |e: [email protected]
School of Geography,  |f: 0(44)870 126 2421
 Politics & Sociology |
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 Newcastle-upon-Tyne  |
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