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st: posthoc testing after ANOVA

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: posthoc testing after ANOVA
Date   Thu, 1 Jan 2004 12:28:55 -0600

I've read the FAQ on post hoc testing after ANOVA,

I think I'm beginning to appreciate testanova.

It would be nice if the FAQ related these Wald tests to those like Hsu's, Dunnett's, Scheffe's, Tukey's, etc. in various situations where one is preferred over the other. Obviously, a little exploration on my part would help.

I have a question related to the FAQ. Can one form _any_ linear combination of any of the cell means from any cell means model ANOVA?

For instance, if I have a split plot design,

within-subject factor
stimulus1 stimulus2

drug animal1 cell 1 2
animal2 3 4

control animal3 5 6
animal4 7 8

This anova is: anova y drug/animal|drug stimulus drug*stimulus/, repeated(stimulus).

I was interested in the following comparison of cells after finding a drug*stimulus interaction significant:

((2-1)+(4-3)) / 2 = ((6-5)+(8-7)) / 2, average of differences between stim1 and stim2 by group

This test would be equivalent to transforming the data to difference scores (stimulus2-stimulus1), and then testing for a group difference between drug and control groups. It's easy to do the latter, but I wanted to know if test could do it directly and if the comparison I want is an allowable test.

Happy New Year,


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