I have a twoway (connected ...) graph which includes twelve small graphs
obtained with by_option. Since each small graph shows the pattern of two
variables, I include the syntax ytitle("xxx", axis(1)) and ytitle("yyy",
axis(2)). I obtain the ytitle("xxx", axis(1)) on the left of the graph, but
no ytitle("yyy", axis(2)) on the right side. Any help?
Prof. Massimo Bovenzi
Ordinario di Medicina del Lavoro
Unit� Clinica Operativa di Medicina del Lavoro
Dipartimento di Scienze di Medicina Pubblica
Universit� degli Studi di Trieste
Azienda Ospedaliera "Ospedali Riuniti di Trieste"
Centro Tumori, Via della Piet� 19,
34129 Trieste
Professor Massimo Bovenzi, MD
Clinical Unit of Occupational Medicine
Department of Public Health Sciences
University of Trieste
Trieste General Hospitals
Centro Tumori, Via della Piet� 19,
I-34129 Trieste
Telephone: (+39)-040-3992313; (+39)-040-632797
Facsimile: (+39)-040-368199