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st: sysdir set for do-files or datasets ?

From   Misha Bonch-O <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: sysdir set for do-files or datasets ?
Date   Wed, 17 Dec 2003 20:11:57 -0500

With sysdir set, we can specify a personal directory for ado-files, where Stata will look them up first.
Is it possible to do the same for do-files ? Or for the datasets ?
I prefer to keep my datasets and do-files that I run in the different directories.
Therefore, if my current working directory is the one with the datasets, I always have to write a very long path to: do "longpath"

Other way, of course, is to set current directory with do-files, but I will have to write long path names when I use or save datasets.
Is there way to set up a default directory, where Stata starts looking for do-files or datasets ?
Thank you, for attention.
Misha Bonch-Osmolovski.
UNC-Chapel Hill.

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