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st: RE: Efficiency: was RE: Taking averages, etc.

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Efficiency: was RE: Taking averages, etc.
Date   Wed, 17 Dec 2003 13:11:12 -0000

Allan Reese

> While it is possible to replace one value in a variable 
> (say the 4th)
> using:
>   replace  x = y if _n == 4
> that code tests _n for every element.  It's very wasteful, 
> though you may
> not notice in most interactive sessions.  In a program however, the
> alternative
>   replace  x = y in 4
> will be about _N times faster.  As this will typically be 
> inside a loop
> dealing will each element of the variable, it may reduce 
> execution time
> from O(_N squared) to O(_N).

This is an old song, but it deserves a replay.

There is one side-issue. Allan says 
"this will typically be inside a loop
dealing will each element of the variable". 

In Stata, that's not typical at all. Looping 
explicitly over observations is sometimes 
needed, but in the majority of cases it 
is a sign that you've not seen the Stata way 
to do something. 

[email protected] 
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