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Re: st: counting

From   Mario F Rueda Narv�ez <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: counting
Date   Fri, 12 Dec 2003 18:59:09 +0100

Using -count- and assuming that your variable is called "var01", you could run this in the do-file editor. It seems to work fine on stata 7.

local i = 1.05
while `i' <= 3 {
display "N� of obs. between `i' and " `i' + .05
count if var01 >= `i' & var01 < `i' + .05
local i = `i' + .05

However, there are probably some table commands / options more convenient that I'm not aware of.

Hope this helps,

I'd like to know how many values are between :
                        1.05  and  1.1                  that means >= 1.05
and < 1.1    stepwidth = 0.05
I'd like to know how many values are between :
                         1.1   and  1.15                that means >= 1.1
and  < 1.15    stepwidth = 0.05
I'd like to know how many values are between :
                         1.15   and  1.2                that means >= 1.15
and  < 1.2    stepwidth = 0.05
and so on .........

I can't  get  good results with already discussed method of  - tabulate
myvar,subpop(var2) -
because I know results from an Excel-Macro.
My question is: Is there another method of counting  ?
any help will be appreciated very much


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Mario F. Rueda Narv�ez
Departamento de Estad�stica y Econometr�a
Facultad de Ciencias Econ�micas
Universidad de M�laga
El Ejido s/n
29013      M�laga  (Espa�a)
Tlf:  +34 952 13 71 90
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