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st: table help

From   "Steven Stillman (LMPG)" <[email protected]>
To   "'statalist'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: table help
Date   Fri, 12 Dec 2003 16:59:29 +1300

Hi.  I am trying to create a one-way table which is causing me problems.  I
have 5 version of the same variable (let's call them X1, X2, etc) which take
on the same 4 categories.  I am trying to get a table that looks like:

categories	x1	x2	x3	x4	x5
1		10%	15%
2		20%	25%
3		30%	25%
4		40%	35%


Does anyone have a solution for creating this table that doesn't involve
reshaping the data (this is dimensionality issue, the data already has
20,000 obs * 64 time-periods of  records)?  This seems like it should have a
simple answer but I have yet to find it.


Steven Stillman - Senior Research Economist
Labour Market Policy Group - Department of Labour
PO Box 3705 - Wellington, New Zealand
Email: [email protected]     
Tel: (64)4-915-4076 - Fax: (64)4-915-4040

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