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st: RE: graph hbar and (xy)common

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: graph hbar and (xy)common
Date   Wed, 10 Dec 2003 11:35:04 -0000

I'd try the equivalent with -twoway bar-. However,
in my experiments I get the same problem,
even with -xcommon-.

[email protected]

Ulrich Kohler

> I have two graphs, produced with -graph hbar- and want to
> combine them
> underneath each other in one single graph. The first graph plots 28
> country-means of a measurment, the second graph plots means
> of the same
> measurment for 4 groups of countries (i.e. European Union etc.)
> What I want to have is something like the following (Please
> use fixed-font):
>                  +-----------------------------------+
>          Romania |###################                |
>          Bulgaria|##########                         |
>               :  |########                           |
>               :  |#######                            |
>               :  |####                               |
>   United Kingdom |##                                 |
>                  +-----------------------------------+
>                  +-----------------------------------+
>               EU |##                                 |
>               :  |###############                    |
>               CC |#######                            |
>                  +-----------------------------------+
> However, since the labels of the second graph are much
> shorter than those of
> the first, I end up with a picture like this:
>                  +-----------------------------------+
>          Romania |###################                |
>          Bulgaria|##########                         |
>               :  |########                           |
>               :  |#######                            |
>               :  |####                               |
>   United Kingdom |##                                 |
>                  +-----------------------------------+
>            +-----------------------------------------+
>         EU |##                                       |
>         :  |###############                          |
>         CC |#######                                  |
>            +-----------------------------------------+
> Unfortunately I couldn't found a way to control the
> starting coordinate of the
> numerical y-axis in the graph-region (an analogon to the
> cstart()-option in
> Nicks -hplot- for stata 7.). The xcommon-option of -graph
> combine- only
> scales the axis idenitically, but does not control the
> starting coordinate of
> the x-axis.
> Here is what I did so far:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> separate hsat, by(eu)
> graph hbar (asis) hsat0 hsat1 ///
> if eu < . , ///
> over(country, sort(hsat)) nofill legend(off) ///
> name(countries, replace) yalternate
> graph dot (asis) hsat ///
> if eu >= . , ///
> over(country, sort(country)) nofill legend(off) fysize(20) ///
> name(aggregates, replace)
> graph combine countries aggregates, xcommon rows(2) cols(1)
> imargin(0 0 0 0)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------
> I also tried to change the contents of the Country-Variable
> by putting blanks
> in front of "EU", that is:
> . replace country = "         EU" if country == "EU"
> However this attempt wasn't successful as -graph- seems to
> treat those blanks a just one.

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