Hi all,
Stuck again this weekend, I'm afraid. I am trying to plot akdensity distributions using Philippe Van Kerm's SSC download.
My programme gets stuck within the akdensity routine, and I can't figure out why.
This is the log output of set trace on immediately preceding error message.
------------------------------------------------------- end ipolate ---
- if "`zero'"~="" {replace ynew = 0 if ynew==. & x~=. }
= if "zero"~="" {replace ynew = 0 if ynew==. & x~=. }
- }
- qui keep if _stack==2
- rename ynew `tmp'
= rename ynew __00000K
- drop y x
- rename pos `tmppos'
= rename pos __00000L
- drop _stack
- tempfile tmpsav
- sort `tmppos'
= sort __00000L
- qui save `tmpsav' , replace
= qui save C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\ST_0200003t
> .tmp , replace
invalid 'and'
--------------------------------------------- end akdensity0.ipolate4 ---
qui means `fipol' [aw=`tt'] if `use'
qui gen `double' `lambda' = sqrt(r(mean_g)/`fipol') if `use'
-------------------------------------------------------- end akdensity0 ---
qui gen double `tmph' = (`wwidth')*(`tmplambda')
di as text "Step 2: Adaptive kernel density estimation"
qui akdensity0 `ix' [`weight'`exp'] if `use' , at(`m') generate(`d') width(
> `tmph') `nbands' double
----------------------------------------------------------- end akdensity ---
My code runs as follows:
/*calculating the bandwith using Deaton's (1997) formula in turn based on Silverman's (1986) rule of thumb*/
local fname1 "c:\data80\hhcons80"
local fname2 "c:\data85\hhcons85"
local fname3 "c:\data90\hhcons90"
local fname4 "c:\data95\hhcons95"
local l=1
while `l'<=4 {
drop _all
use `fname`l'', clear
keep x hhsize
qui gen xx=x
qui gen n=hhsize
collapse (sum) n (sd) sdx=x (iqr) inqr=xx [aweight=n]
qui gen q75= 0.75*inqr
if sdx<q75{
local h`l'=((2.34*sdx[1])/(n[1]^(1/5)))/2
else {
local h`l'=((2.34*q75)/(n[1]^(1/5)))/2
dis "Half bandwith`l' = `h`l''"
/*combining consumption data and weights for all years in one file*/
use `fname`l'', clear
qui keep x hhsize
qui gen n`l'=hhsize
rename x x`l'
qui keep x`l' n`l'
if `l'<2{
save akd, replace
merge using akd
drop _merge
save akd, replace
local l=`l'+1
/*calculating and graphing akdensities*/
use akd, clear
akdensity x4 [aweight=n4], epanechnikov nogr width(`h4') gen(y4 fy4)
akdensity x3 [aweight=n3], epanechnikov nogr width(`h3') gen(fy3) at(y4)
akdensity x2 [aweight=n2], epanechnikov nogr width(`h2') gen(fy2) at(y4)
akdensity x1 [aweight=n1], epanechnikov nogr width(`h1') gen(fy1) at(y4)
label var fy4 "1995"
label var fy3 "1990"
label var fy2 "1985"
label var fy1 "1980"
line fy4 fy3 fy2 fy1 y4 if y4<2000, sort ytitle(Density) xtitle(Per capita monthly consumption (Rs))title( "Distribution of Per Capita Consumption, 1980-96") leg(rows(1)) clpattern(shortdash_dot longdash_dot dash solid)
graph save akd.gph, replace
Would anybody have any ideas re: what's going wrong?
Thanks so much,
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