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st: stsatrisk with labels

From   Jannik Helweg-Larsen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: stsatrisk with labels
Date   Fri, 5 Dec 2003 23:46:23 +0100

To my request(
bin/lwgate/STATALIST/archives/statalist.0312/date/article-108.html)for a label 
option for stsatrisk, Jens Lauritzen has now most kindly provided a 
modification to the stsatrisk ado by Jean Marie Linhart. 

This label option has been incorporated in a new version of stsatrisk available 
at -net from

Many thanks to Jens Lauritzen and Jean Marie

Jannik Helweg-Larsen MD


A modified version of stsatrisk showing value labels  for the groups 
instead of the group number can be found at: 

net from 

please note that it works only with the group variable coded as 1 2 3 

regards Jens Lauritsen 

I've played with this a little bit a while ago, and my efforts can be
found at
. net from

I call the program -stsatrisk- and it is a wrapper for -sts graph-

The idea of a combined graph/table is simple on the face of it, but it
is not compatible with the way we currently do graphics schemes and
styles.  The code I provide will do a pretty good job most of the
time, but it is not infinitely flexible (nor is it meant to be).  If
anyone wants to take this code over and improve it, they are certainly
welcome.  I have no plans for future work on it.

Hope this helps!

--Jean Marie
[email protected]

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