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st: Re: Re: dialog programming

From   [email protected] (James Hassell)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Re: dialog programming
Date   Fri, 05 Dec 2003 12:29:59 -0600

Thomas Steichen wrote:

>You left out the other part of my answer... where I suspected that it might
>be doable "by
>invoking an .ado and/or by using some of the non-public features of the
>dialog language."
>So, I'll ask directly: Is it possible to capture the numeric value of one
>control then use it to manipulate the event handlers for other controls?

I intentionally did not comment on manipulating dialog controls with an ado
file because these features are undocumented and untested, and there is 
risk they may change in the future.  Also, modifying dialog controls from
outside the dialog language could cause Stata to lose track of the real state
of various dialog controls and crash.

The truth is that it likely could be done, but it is also true that I'd really
rather find a better solution to the problem from within the dialog
programming language as documented.  The programmers at Stata have written
over 600 official Stata dialogs and we have never found it necessary to invoke
these undocumented features.  This makes me think that in most cases a
solution can be found which fits the normal constructs of the dialog language.

Anyone who has a specific implementation question about any of these
features should contact Stata technical support. That said, we really do
want to discourage using these features when an alternative is available
in the dialog programming language.

James Hassell
[email protected]

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