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st: RE: version 7 > 8

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: version 7 > 8
Date   Fri, 5 Dec 2003 13:15:18 -0000

As you know, Stata has a rather
elaborate system of version control designed
to maximise the extent to which old programs 
can work with newer versions of Stata, 
which does very occasionally not do what 
users hope. 

However, although you are getting a message about 
versions, it could just be a side-effect 
of another mistake in your program. Guessing
that -avcorwithin2- here is just a modification
of -avcorwithin- mentioned in your previous 
post, I see an error there: -alpha- does 
not leave behind any result in r(rho). 

You might be better off with something more 

program avcorwithin, rclass 
	version 8.0
	tempname y
	alpha bef*
	scalar `y' = r(alpha)
	alpha aft*
	return scalar diff = r(alpha) - `y' 

bootstrap "avcorwithin" r(diff), reps(1000) 


Patrick Sturgis
> I am getting the following error message when running a 
> *.ado file written
> in version 7 in version 8:
> command -> avcorwithin2
> error when command executed on original dataset under 
> version 8 control
> I'd aprreciate it if someone could tell me what this means. 

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