My guess is that this is still in the pipeline;
and that it may not be out that soon. For every
person who wants this, there's many more who
want other things known to be on the collective
graphics wishlist (which, no doubt, does _not_
correspond exactly with the StataCorp graphics
to do list). It is as mundane as a matter of
That's not to say that this should not
be documented properly and as soon as possible;
nor that it might not be just about to appear.
I'm guessing, as said.
I'll mention also Svend Juul's article in Stata
Journal 3(3) 2003. This isn't the documentation
you want, but reading it and studying the
results may help you understand more about schemes.
. search juul, author
will point you to the article; note in particular
that all users of Stata 8 can download the schemes
and use them, irrespective of whether they subscribe
to the Stata Journal (and I do recommend the latter).
Personally, I find that Svend's work filled in
a small but definite gap in Stata's schemes,
to the extent that "find out about graphics schemes
and play with them" is no longer on my own to do
Joseph Coveney
> >Does anyone know where I could find documentation for
> Stata's graphics
> >schemes? If so, I would appreciate pointers as to where
> to find it.
Ernest Berkhout
> That is a question I already posed on this list some months
> ago, and I'm
> still also very curious to see such a "Reference Guide" for
> the layout of
> the schemes. Vince Wiggins from Stata Corp said that they
> were working on
> it some time ago, I wonder how far they've got til now?
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