-muxyplot- (a rather ugly abbreviation
for -multiple x y plot-) is a package for
Stata 6 up available from SSC. It uses oldstyle
graphics and as a program written in 1999
is unaware of the graphics syntax introduced
in 2003, as you realise.
I've not touched it since the release of 8,
partly because I guessed it now obsolete.
Adama's graph sounds like the Stata 8
. twoway connect Meanrend lohiyield stbund2
if lohiyield>0, ylabel(50(50)1050)
ms(oh plus) sort ...
and to be in no need of -museum xyplot-.
However, I guess that the syntax in
the latter case would be more like
. muxyplot Meanrend lohiyield stbund2 stbund2
if lohiyield>0, ylabel(50(50)1050)
c(ll) sy(op) sort l2(Meanrend) b2(stbund2)
as the -connect()- and -symbol()- options
refer to the y variables only (the first half
of those specified).
Even in Stata < 8, this is equivalent to
. graph Meanrend lohiyield stbund2
if lohiyield>0, ylabel(50(50)1050)
c(ll) sy(op) sort l2(Meanrend) b2(stbund2)
I'm not sure what the graph will look
like if -stbund2- is dummy, but that's
a separate issue.
However, I'll draw attention also to
-regplot- on SSC, which has been updated to 8.
[email protected]
[email protected]
> I am quite new in using Stata graphic tool and am missing
> something with
> Nick's command -muxyplot- to produce plots with multiple x
> and y variables.
> -lohiyield- is the predicted value of obeserved yield
> -Meanrend- and I want
> a connected line that shows both on a same graph. I get
> only one line with
> the following and which of the two variables is then shown?
> How to get both?
> muxyplot Meanrend lohiyield stbund2 stbund2 if
> lohiyield>0, ylabel(50(50)
> 1050) c(.l.l) sy(oipi) sort l2(Meanrend) b2(stbund2) saving
> (scenario1meanobs, replace).
> Then I want to -combine- several plots on the same graph
> but I think I need
> first to save using the option name
> (-name(scenario1meanobsmemo, replace)-),
> but that is not allowed.
> I am working with a panel data -tsset id member- and
> -version 8.2-. stbund
> is a dummy variable.
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