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Re: st: -version- question

From   "John A Karikari" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: -version- question
Date   Tue, 02 Dec 2003 14:17:39 -0500

Hi, Mark and Everyone:

I have Stata 8.0 which I set as a version control.  When running
ivreg2, I get the error statement that "version 8.2 not supported."  
Thanks for your insights/advice.

>>> [email protected] 12/02/03 02:10PM >>>
Hi everybody.  Can anyone help with a tricky -version- question?  It
like this:

1.  John has Stata 8.2 and wants to use ivreg2 under version control
to 8.0.  He issues the command -version 8.0- at the start of his
and then calls -ivreg2-.

2.  -ivreg2- starts with the command -version 7-.  No problems there...

but then:

3.  Internally, -ivreg2- calls the built-in Stata command -predict-.  
-predict- starts with the command -version 8.2-.  Boom.  Stata crashes

with the error "version 8.0 not supported".

Any ideas about John can fix this in the short run?  Would using the 
syntax -version 8.0: ivreg2 xxxx etc- solve this problem?  More to the

point, as a programmer and co-author of ivreg2, is there a way for me
modify the ivreg2 code so that this problem is avoided in the future?

Hoping someone out there can help....




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