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RE: st: Getting stuck at outreg

From   Ramani Gunatilaka <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Getting stuck at outreg
Date   Mon, 01 Dec 2003 23:55:47 +0000

I did try it with 
if `l' == 2 

So now the code reads
local fname3 "c:\data95\hhineqvar95"
local fname2 "c:\data90\hhineqvar90"
local fname1 "c:\data85\hhineqvar85"
local l=1
while `l'<=3 {
	drop _all
	use `fname`l'', clear
	regress  lx1 sqrtw1 h_dage1 h_male1 m_adults1 f_adults1 child1 SL_Tamil1  Moor1 other1 hhsize1 second11 second21 GCE_OL1 GCE_AL1 university1  unemployed1 govt1  private1 employer1 self1 managerial1 clerical1 service1 farmers1 product1 lpaddpc1 lhilpc1  lwage_y1   lremabr_y1  lagri_y1 vehicle1 electri1 phone1 Col1  Gam1 Kal1 Kan1 Mtl1 NE1  Mat1  Kur1  Pol1  Mon1 Rat1 ,noconstant
	if `l'<2{
	outreg using ineqdec.out, se bdec(2,5,2) bracket noaster ctitle("1985") title ("Decomposition of inequality by individual regressor") replace
	if `l'==2{
	outreg using ineqdec.out, se bdec(2,5,2) bracket noaster ctitle("1990") append
	if `l'==3 {
	outreg using ineqdec.out, se bdec(2,5,2) bracket noaster ctitle("1995") append
Again, it runs right through once, outputs second regression, but stalls at outreg within outreg app.file.
Here's the trace on output which immediately precedes the error message.

-------------------------- begin outreg.appfile ---
  - version 6.0
    - syntax using/, varname(string) coefcol(string)
    - tempname vord1 vord2 vartmp varsml v2plus vorder merge2
    - tempfile tmpf1
    - gen str80 `vartmp' = substr(`varname',1,79)
    = gen str80 __00000C = substr(__000005,1,79)
    - replace `vartmp' = "0" if _n==1
    = replace __00000C = "0" if _n==1
    - gen str10 `varsml' = trim(`vartmp')
    = gen str10 __00000D = trim(__00000C)
    - replace `vartmp' = `vartmp'[_n-1]+"!" if `varsml'==""
    = replace __00000C = __00000C[_n-1]+"!" if __00000D==""
    - count if (`varsml'=="" | (`varsml'[_n+1]=="" & _n!=_N))
    = count if (__00000D=="" | (__00000D[_n+1]=="" & _n!=_N))
    - local ncoeff2 = r(N)
    - local N2 = _N
    - gen `vord2' = _n
    = gen __00000B = _n
    - sort `vartmp'
    = sort __00000C
    - keep `varname' `coefcol' `vartmp' `vord2'
    = keep __000005 __000006 __00000C __00000B
    - save "`tmpf1'", replace
    = save "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\ST_0200000i.tmp"
> , replace
    - if index("`using'", ".")==0 {local using = "`using'"+".out"}
    = if index("ineqdec.out", ".")==0 {local using = "ineqdec.out"+".out"}
    - insheet using `using', nonames clear
    = insheet using ineqdec.out, nonames clear
    - describe, short
    - local numcol = r(k)
    - gen str80 `vartmp' = substr(v1,1,79)
    = gen str80 __00000C = substr(v1,1,79)
    - local titlrow = (v1[1]!="")
    - if `titlrow' {
    = if 1 {
    - while v1[`titlrow'+1]!="" {
    = while v1[1+1]!="" {
      local titlrow = `titlrow'+1
    - }
    - local frstrow = 1 + `titlrow'
    = local frstrow = 1 + 1
    - replace `vartmp' = "0" if _n==`frstrow' & v2=="(1)"
    = replace __00000C = "0" if _n==2 & v2=="(1)"
    - replace `vartmp' = "0!" if _n==`frstrow' & v2!="(1)"
    = replace __00000C = "0!" if _n==2 & v2!="(1)"
    - replace `vartmp' = `vartmp'[_n-1]+"!" if `vartmp'==""
    = replace __00000C = __00000C[_n-1]+"!" if __00000C==""
    - gen long `vord1' = _n
    = gen long __00000A = _n
    - gen str80 `v2plus' = trim(v2)
    = gen str80 __00000E = trim(v2)
    - local col = 3
    - if `col'<=`numcol' {
    = if 3<=2 {
      replace `v2plus' = `v2plus' + trim(v`col')
      local col = `col'+1
    - count if ((v1==""&`v2plus'!="") | (v1[_n+1]=="" & (`v2plus'[_n+1]!=""|_n=
> =1) & _n!=_N))
    = count if ((v1==""&__00000E!="") | (v1[_n+1]=="" & (__00000E[_n+1]!=""|_n=
> =1) & _n!=_N))
    - local ncoeff1 = r(N)
    - gen str10 `varsml' = `vartmp'
    = gen str10 __00000D = __00000C
    - summ `vord1' if `vord1'>`ncoeff1' & `v2plus'!=""
    = summ __00000A if __00000A>90 & __00000E!=""
    - local endsta1 = r(max)
    - if `endsta1'==. {local endsta1 = `ncoeff1'}
    = if 92==. {local endsta1 = 90}
    - drop `varsml'
    = drop __00000D
    - sort `vartmp'
    = sort __00000C
    - merge `vartmp' using `tmpf1'
    = merge __00000C using C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\S
> T_0200000i.tmp
invalid 'and' 
    ---------------------------------------------------- end outreg.appfile ---
I'm so sorry for the bother,

Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> if `l' == 2 
> is the way to test for equality with 2. 
> Does this stop _inside_ -outreg-? 
> Nick 
> [email protected] 
> Ramani Gunatilaka
> > Sorry to come up with yet another query so soon after my 
> > last. But I am stuck.
> > I am running regression-based decompositions of consumption 
> > for three survey years. I want to use outreg so the output 
> > is formatted nicely. Here is part of my code.
> > 
> > local fname3 "c:\data95\hhineqvar95"
> > local fname2 "c:\data90\hhineqvar90"
> > local fname1 "c:\data85\hhineqvar85"
> > local l=1
> > while `l'<=3 {
> > 	drop _all
> > 	use `fname`l'', clear
> > 	regress  y var1 var2 var3 etc.
> > 	if `l'<2{
> > 	outreg using ineqdec.out, se bdec(2,5,2) bracket 
> > noaster ctitle("1985") title ("Decomposition of inequality 
> > by individual regressor") replace
> > 	}
> > 	if `l'>1 & `l'<3{
> > 	outreg using ineqdec.out, se bdec(2,5,2) bracket 
> > noaster ctitle("1990") append
> > 	}
> > 	if `l'>2 {
> > 	outreg using ineqdec.out, se bdec(2,5,2) bracket 
> > noaster ctitle("1995") append
> > 	}
> > 
> > Thereafter the code goes on to 
> > save Beta coefficients of the regression
> > Multiply the variables by the Betas
> > regress those variables on y, and
> > save those Betas.
> > I will spare you those details. 
> > 
> > My problem is that the loop runs once right through, 
> > producing the expected output, then it produces the 
> > regression output for the second run (1990), but gets stuck 
> > somewhere at the second outreg. I set trace on, too, but 
> > couldn't figure out what went wrong.
> > The message I get when the whole thing stalls is,
> > 
> > invalid 'and' 
> > r(198);
> > 
> > 
> > I suspect something is wrong with my if statement. I 
> > replaced the second with - if `l'=2{ -
> > but that didn't work either. 
> > Would anybody have any ideas?
> > Thanks so much,
> > Ramani
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