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Re: st: Framingham equation

From   Ronan M Conroy <[email protected]>
To   "statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Framingham equation
Date   Mon, 01 Dec 2003 17:35:30 +0000

on 01/12/2003 16:26, Elizabeth Allred at [email protected] wrote:

> Framingham Heart Study, I believe.
> Liz Allred
> Richard Palmer wrote:
>> I feel terribly stupid asking this, but, since I live in Framingham, what is
>> the Framingham equation?

The question is really 'what are the Framingham equation'? In that the
Framingham study has published a whole raft of risk prediction equations for
coronary heart disease, stroke and other stuff. People usually mean the
coronary disease equations. Herewith some of the bewildering variety of
equations produced by the ever-prolific group over the years. Note the
presence of Cornfield and the use of discriminant analysis before logistic
regression was a computer reality!

1. Anonymous. Estimating Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Using Framingham
Heart Study Prediction Score Sheets: National Heart, Lung and Blood
Institute (NHLBI).
2. Kannel WB, Dawber T, Kagan A, Revotskie N, Stokes J. Factors of risk in
the development of coronary heart disease - six-year follow-up experience.
Annals of Internal Medicine 1961;55(1):33-50.
3. Cornfield J. Joint dependence of risk of coronary heart disease on serum
cholesterol adn systolic blood pressure: a discriminant function analysis.
Fed.Proc 1962;21(2):58-61.
4. Dawber TR, Kannel WB, McNamara PM. The prediction of coronary heart
disease. In: Moore SRJ, ed. Transactions of the Association of Life
Insurance Medical Directors of America, Seventy-Second Annual Meeting,
October 16, 1963, New York City. New York: Recording & Statistical Company,
1964: 70-105.
5. Kannel WB, Castelli WP, Revotskie N, McNamara PM. Profile of the
coronary-prone individual. Assessment of risk of developing coronary heart
disease. The Framingham Study. Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the
Medical Section of the American Life Convention 1967;55:74-99.
6. Truett J, Cornfield J, W. K. A multivariate analysis of the risk of
coronary heart disease in Framingham. Journal of Chronic Disease
7. Kannel W, McGee D, T. G. A general cardiovascular risk profile: The
Framingham Study. American Journal of Cardiology 1976;38:46-51.
8. Anderson KM, Odell PM, Wilson PW, Kannel WB. Cardiovascular disease risk
profiles. American Heart Journal 1991;121(1 Pt 2):293-8.
9. Wolf PA, D'Agostino RB, Belanger AJ, Kannel WB. Probability of stroke: a
risk profile from the Framingham Study. Stroke 1991;22(3):312-8.
10. Grundy SM, Balady GJ, Criqui MH, et al. Primary prevention of coronary
heart disease: guidance from Framingham: a statement for healthcare
professionals from the AHA Task Force on Risk Reduction. American Heart
Association. Circulation 1998;97(18):1876-87.
11. Wilson PF, D�Agostino RB, Levy D, Belanger AM, Silbershatz H, Kannel WB.
Prediction of coronary heart disease using risk factor categories.
Circulation 1998;97:1837-1847.

Ronan M Conroy ([email protected])
Lecturer in Biostatistics
Royal College of Surgeons
Dublin 2, Ireland
+353 1 402 2431 (fax 2764)

Ugh - what's that bitter taste in my coffee?

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