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st: hours and minutes help

From   "SURAN, LUCIANA" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: hours and minutes help
Date   Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:20:20 -0500

Dear Statalist,

I was wondering if any of you know of a method for creating 2 new variables from 1 variable, with 1 of the new variables containing whole numbers and the second new variable containing the numbers after a decimal point.

I am asking this because I have time data (hours: minutes) in which the hours and minutes are separated by a decimal point instead of a colon (so 6:45 AM is expressed as 6.45, not 6.75). 

I have 2 variables: starttime and endtime. I need to subtract start-times from the end-times, which I cannot due with the present variable format.  I was thinking of using the "hmm" function that is part of the -egenmore- package.  But I need to separate the hours and minutes and this is where I get stuck.

I would greatly appreciate any advice you could give me.


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