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st: RE: Multiple kdensity graphs

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Multiple kdensity graphs
Date   Sat, 29 Nov 2003 14:01:18 -0000

I've an -mdensity- wrapper which I'll send privately
to Joao Pedro, as it may help. It's not really
in a fit state to make public.

[email protected]

Joao Pedro W. de Azevedo
> I've been using the routine below for quite sometime to
> generate multiple
> Kdensity graphs. I've been trying to improve it in the last
> few days, but
> I'm having some trouble with my program skills. I would
> sincerely appreciate
> suggestions.
> The two main things that I would like to do are:
> 	1) use tempvar
> 	2) automaticaly generate a list to the tempvar
> This is an example of this routine, using the stata auto, dataset:
> use auto, clear
> local cat " foreign"
> local var2 " mpg"
> local kdensity_settings "epanechnikov nogr"
> local scatter_settings "connect(l l)  clwidth(.5 .5 ) msize(.5 .5 )
> legend(textfirst cols(2))  ytitle("Kernel Density")"
> 	quietly tabulate `cat', matrow(valnum)
> 	local nrows = rowsof(valnum)
>    	local first = valnum[1,1]
> 	local second = valnum[2,1]
> 	local number "`second'"
> 	local i = 3
> 	while `i' <= `nrows' {
> 		local temp = valnum[`i',1]
> 		local number "`number' `temp'"
> 		local i = `i' + 1
> 	}
> 	di "`number'"
> 	local instlist : label `cat' `first'
> 	foreach c in `number' {
> 		local tmp : label `cat' `c'
> 		local instlist "`instlist' `tmp'"
> 	}
> 	di "`instlist'"
> foreach var in `var2' {
> 	kdensity  `var' if `cat'==valnum[1,1] , `kdensity_settings'
> g(x`var'1 `var'1)
> 	local varlist  "`var'1" /*this was an attempt to
> generate a list of
> the variables generate by kdensity */
> 	di `varlist'
> 	local s1 : word 1 of `instlist'
> 	label var `var'1 "Density - `s1'"
> 		foreach num of numlist 2 {
> 				kdensity  `var' if
> `cat'==valnum[`num',1] ,
> `kdensity_settings' g(`var'`num') at(x`var'1)
> 				local s`num' : word `num' of
> `instlist'
> 				local varlist  "`varlist'
> `var'`num'" /*this
> is part of the attempt to generate a list of the
> variables generate by kdensity */
> 				label var `var'`num' "Density
> - `s`num''"
> 		}
> 	di `varlist' /* idealy I would like to use the list
> `varlist' on my
> scatter plot. The probem is that the list that 	I'm
> generating is only
> picking up the first value of the new variable, and the its name. */
> 	scatter `var'1 `var'2 x`var'1, `scatter_settings'
> 	drop `var'1- `var'2
> }

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